welkam to my blog...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


besh gile lagu nih..aku suke...byk mksd t'sirat tuh...
lagu nih gk m'ingtkn ak ttg suatu mase dulu....

>j0mm same2 kite layannnn

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

nih laa paberet song Dalim ak....


Time, is going by, so much faster than I
And I'm starting to regret not spending all of here with you
Now I'm wondering why I've kept this bottled inside
So I'm starting to regret not selling all of it to you
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know

You're never gonna be alone from this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go, I won't let you fall
You're never gonna be alone, I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone

And now, as long as I can, I'm holding on with both hands
'Cause forever I believe
That there's nothing I could need but you
So if I haven't yet, I've gotta let you know

You're never gonna be alone from this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go, I won't let you fall
When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on
We're gonna see the world out, I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone

Oh, you've gotta live every single day
Like it's the only one, what if tomorrow never comes?
Don't let it slip away, could be our only one
You know it's only just begun, every single day
Maybe our only one, what if tomorrow never comes?
Tomorrow never comes

Time is going by so much faster than I
And I'm starting to regret not telling all of this to you

You're never gonna be alone from this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go, I won't let you fall
When all hope is gone, I know that you can carry on
We're gonna see the world out, I'll hold you 'til the hurt is gone

I'm gonna be there always
I won't be missing a word all day
I'm gonna be there always
I won't be missing a word all day

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sorry sygg ;)

Bkn xde mo0d tp cam sumtink yg tgh gnggu pkran nih...and xleh nk elakkk.......
bnde yg xs'ptutnyer pk jdik t'pk.... sy sygg awk, t'lalu sygg smpai ase cm xleh nk jauh ckit....

so. klu tbe2 sy jdik plik,aneh msty dew reason tuh... > haaaa,so jgn laa cpt m'latah oke...
cos anytink happened i always LOVE u syggg ;)
so sorry sgt2... bkn xnk senyum,bkn xnk ceria time awk b'usha nk bt sy snyum....
tp klu sy snyum time tuh pon, msty awk ckp snyuman xikhlas....?? kn3???
sy suke sgt bile awk b'usha bt sy snyum... nmpak kiyut sgt time tuh...hohohoho,thankss syggg...

Syggg,sumtime we hepy n sumtime we got a badmod.....so,tat's not mean when i'm in badmod....
i does'nt care about u.... i jus need sumtime to kool down my mind n refresh back
our story dalim, bcos our memory were so amazing + freak + sadness + wonderfull =))
and all of this, i will never got from other guy except u.........
and u da only one tat i want in my life now and 4ever.....

So,plizz don change anymore...bcos once u change everytink will crash.....
tat 1 tink i afraid and always be my nightmare.....

ur love,

Sunday, April 3, 2011

what's happen with my dear....??????

hello there...

kangdae here..

mlm nie xtahu knpe aku rse nk tulis kt blog nie..

aku tgah pk ape sbnrnye berlaku kt opiey aku.??

tbe2 jer dia mcm xde mood, msam, xde smgat je kt aku..???


adakah aku ni bt somthing wrong..???

rsenye xde plak...tp ttp jgk masam..??

aku dah try bnyk kli n mcm2 da nk bg dia senyum..tp still kaku..????

aku rindu sgt2 kt dia

nk tgk dia senyum, ketawa, gelak n gurau2 ngn aku...

pk skali mcm dia da bosan or boring ngn aku...??

Agak sedih la ble rasa cm tu kn...

apa2 pon kasih syg aku kt dia ttp kukuh..

walaupon tiada senyuman yg dia bg kt aku..
